Tag Archives: GWYTK

God wants you to know #27

24 Mar

On this day of your life, Caroline, we believe God wants you to know that peace will come when you let the presence of God settle into your heart.


If there is to be peace in the world, there must be peace in the nations. If there is to be peace in the nations, there must be peace in the cities. If there is to be peace in the cities, there must be peace between neighbors. If there is to be peace between neighbors, there must be peace in the home. If there is to be peace in the home, there must be peace in the heart.

God wants you to know #26

20 Mar

On this day of your life, Caroline, we believe God wants you to know that although forgiveness is very hard, it is necessary.

Holding onto anger and old hurts hardens your heart and hurts only you. Ask for help in letting go of the anger. Ask to see the situation through the eyes of compassion. Allow yourself to feel the lightness of forgiveness.

God wants you to know #25

18 Mar

On this day of your life, Caroline, we believe God wants you to know that you are perfect as you are.

God doesn’t create faulty life. No. Everything created by God is perfect, and so are you. So stop driving yourself mad with endless ways to improve, and just accept the glory of your being as is.

God wants you to know #24

15 Mar

On this day of your life, Caroline, we believe God wants you to know that today is a big day for you.


Yes, today. Keep your eyes open for a message. It might come in a shape of a bird flying overhead, or a graffiti on a wall, or a phrase said by a passerby, or… Whatever shape it has, this message has been trying to reach you for years, and today is finally the day. Keep your senses open.

God wants you to know #23

14 Mar

On this day of your life, Caroline, we believe God wants you to know that your soul wants the freedom to sing, dance, love.

As your body needs nourishment – food, drink, sleep, so does your soul need nourishment – sing, dance, love. Life is not all work, work is not all hard toil. Nourish your soul with the food that is right for it, for it is the altar of your own inner temple.

God wants you to know #22

13 Mar

On this day of your life, Caroline, we believe God wants you to know that when you do the right thing, it will feel good in your body.


Your body never lies. When you feel stress in your body, something is out of balance in your life. Restore the balance, and your body and spirit will reflect the rightness of your choice.

God wants you to know #21

10 Mar

On this day of your life, Caroline, we believe God wants you to know that there are no accidents.


What you think of as accidents are simply your conversations with God that you haven’t yet been able to understand. But take heart, all happens in God’s will and every conversation has deep meaning for you.

God wants you to know #20

8 Mar

On this day of your life, Caroline, we believe God wants you to know that sometimes a break from your routine is the very thing you need.


Try something new. Do something fun. Be adventurous. These breaks can bring renewed energy into your work and your life.

God wants you to know #19

26 Feb

On this day of your life, Caroline, we believe God wants you to know that today is a whole day for you to do good.


What you do today is important because you are exchanging a whole day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; and in its place will be something that you had left behind… let it be something good.

God wants you to know #18

25 Feb

On this day of your life, Caroline, we believe God wants you to know that you are beautiful.

Even when you feel ugly or depressed or guilty or ashamed, there is an inner spark in you which is light. This light is your beauty. This light is your reflection of God. You are a child of God, thus you are beautiful.